Tuesday, December 10, 2019

New Wearable Sensor Detects Gout and Other Medical Conditions

I just came across this article regarding a wearable sensor systems and thought that I would share it. This could be a component in a remote monitoring system. The sensor's information source is the person's sweat. "Sensor can pick up small concentrations of metabolites in sweat and provide readings over long periods of time." To turn this into a remote monitoring system, all that's required is a means to transmit the data over wireless. 

From the article:

The team’s goal is a sensor that lets doctors continuously monitor the condition of patients with illnesses such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and kidney disease, all of which put abnormal levels of nutrients or metabolites in the bloodstream. Patients would be better off if their physician knew more about their personal conditions and this method avoids tests that require needles and blood sampling.
“Such wearable sweat sensors could rapidly, continuously, and noninvasively capture changes in health at molecular levels,” Gao says. “They could make personalized monitoring, early diagnosis, and timely intervention possible.”

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